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Law - Phi Alpha Delta meeting

Women's Law Caucus Meeting

Due to the 1L mandatory meeting, Women’s Law Caucus Interest Meeting will be on (Wednesday) September 13 at 12 in B&E Room 238. 

Business Law Society General Interest Meeting

From: Brian Therock Scroggins <> Date: August 29, 2017 at 7:50:27 AM EDT To: Subject: Business Law Society   Good Morning All!

Alumni and 3L Bash

2L Competition/TAB Tryouts

Tryouts will be held from 6pm to 9pm on both Thursday (9/7) and Friday (9/8), and from noon to 3pm on Sunday (9/10). 

2L Competition/TAB Tryouts

Tryouts will be held from 6pm to 9pm on both Thursday (9/7) and Friday (9/8), and from noon to 3pm on Sunday (9/10). 

2L Competition/TAB Tryouts

Tryouts will be held from 6pm to 9pm on both Thursday (9/7) and Friday (9/8), and from noon to 3pm on Sunday (9/10). 

Fall Visiting Speaker Series

Nathan S. Chapman,  University of Georgia School of Law

Fall Visiting Speaker Series and KLJ Author Presentation

Open to all Students and Faculty Rebecca Morrow, Wake Forest School of Law