Job fairs are cooperative interview programs where law students from participating schools interview with employers at one central location. Job fairs are convenient for employers who do not wish to travel to several different law schools to conduct interviews and for students who interview with these employers at one central location. Job fairs are recommended for students who are looking for employment outside of Kentucky.
UK Law participates in many career fairs and interview programs. UK students have the opportunity to participate in job fairs in Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and other locations outside of Kentucky depending on the year. A few of the job fairs are highlighted below.
UK is also the only Kentucky or Ohio member of the Mid Atlantic Legal Recruitment Conference, which holds an August job fair in Washington, D.C. for federal government and private sector employers.
UK Law is an active member of the Southeastern Minority Job Fair ("SEMJF"),, held in Atlanta in July or August before classes begin. Each year SEMJF attracts between 80 and 135 employers from across the country who are particularly interested in hiring diverse law students and graduates. SEMJF is a great option for UK Law students who are interested in practice opportunities outside of our region. In addition to SEMJF, UK students have the opportunity to participate in many other diversity job fairs and interview programs.
UK Law students also have the opportunity to register for the Patent Law Interview Program in Chicago, the Southeastern Intellectual Property Job Fair in Atlanta, and the Equal Justice Works Public Interest Law Job Fair in the Washington D.C. area.