The Law Student Veterans Organization is dedicated to supporting law student veterans and their families in transitioning to the study of law from military service. The Organization strives to increase awareness of issues that affect both student veterans and the veteran community at large by providing a forum for a collaborative discussion on how to best address, prevent, and resolve veterans issues and issues that affect both the military and legal profession. The Organization also seeks to increase awareness of, and participation in, pro bono projects that address veteran issues.
To support our veterans, the organization conducts on-campus and off-campus advocacy, promotes a close community of student fellowship, and maintains a productive dialogue between the student veteran community and College of Law administration, faculty, and students. You do not have to be a veteran to join the Law Student Veterans Organization. Membership includes those who are currently serving, reservists, veterans, and students who simply find supporting veterans to be a worthwhile endeavor.
2021-22 Executive Board
Co-Presidents: Gabrielle Castro & Dillon Curtis
Also find us on Facebook: *
* The expressed opinions, informational content and links displayed on student organization Web pages do not necessarily reflect a position or policy of the University of Kentucky or UK College of Law. No official endorsement by the University of Kentucky or UK College of Law of the viewpoints expressed on student organization Web pages should be inferred.