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Students will develop practical interviewing, counseling, strategic legal planning, litigation, and legal research skills as interns in the University of Kentucky Healthcare (University Hospital) Risk Management Office, under the supervision of the Risk Management Director. Students will be expected to complete legal research and writing projects, attend legal proceedings and hospital committee meetings, and review clinical investigations. Each student must sign an externship agreement covering, among other things, compliance with all statutory requirements governing patient confidentiality, including HIPAA, and an anticipatory conflict agreement, which will include an agreement that the participant will be bound by SCR 3.130(1.9) and SCR 3.130(1.10) as if the participant were a practicing attorney at the time of the internship. Enrollment is limited to two students and is by application only.

PREREQUISITES: Second-semester, second-year status; Evidence (Law 890); transfer students must have completed Torts (Law 805).

RECOMMENDED: Bioethical Issues and the Law (Law 831), Medical Liability (Law 832).
