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Rosenberg Law Wellness Services

  • Each October, the Rosenberg College of Law hosts a number of programs during Mental Health Week, in partnership with the Student Bar Association and in conjunction with the American Bar Association's Mental Health Day.
  • Beginning in Fall 2022, the College hosts "Raising the Bar," a month-long program which invites 1Ls to engage in activities geared to develop healthy personal and academic habits.
  • The Dean's Challenge is a month-long series of events held each year, in partnership with the student-led Law Wellness Initiative. The purpose of these events is to boost awareness of mental and physical well-being within the student body and to encourage students, faculty, and staff to actively engage in activities that promote positive physical and mental health.
  • Through generous donations from alumni, faculty, and staff, the Rosenberg College of Law has an Emergency Support Fund for students experiencing unforeseen financial hardship. The University of Kentucky also has support funds available for students in emergency situations. If you are experiencing this type of need, please email Assistant Dean for Student Services, Carlin Conway.
  • Located in Room 286, the Meditation/Quiet Reflection Room is a quiet space for the Rosenberg College of Law community to use when anyone needs a moment to sit in quiet, meditate, reflect, or otherwise have a peaceful and restorative movement away from the stress of law school.

UK Support Resources

  • TRACS (Triage, Referral, Assistance and Crisis Support) is a physical and virtual one-stop shop where students can come for a quick referral to support services or receive direct clinical support for a range of mental health needs and crises. Services are offered in-person and virtually, Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

  • The Veterans Resource Center at UK provides active duty military and veteran populations with the services and assistance they deserve. The Veterans Resource Center is conveniently located in Room 2 of Erikson Hall, immediately behind the Law Building.

Kentucky Lawyer Assistance Program (KYLAP)

  • KYLAP is a confidential program of the Kentucky Bar Association that offers free help to judges, lawyers, and law students who are struggling with mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, stress, compulsive gambling, or any other condition that may adversely impact the individual’s personal or professional life. Contact us at (502) 226-9373 to get help for any Kentucky lawyer in need. Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 3.990, all communication with KYLAP is confidential.

Student Healthcare

  • University Health Services (UHS) is located at the Kentucky Clinic, and provides services through the mandatory student Health Fee. It is not intended to replace health insurance. If you are a full-time UK student, you have access to unlimited, free medical visits at UHS. This includes primary care visits, behavioral health visits, GYN/GU care, and other acute or preventative care. Find out more here.
  • The Student Health Plan is an insurance plan customized to meet the year-round needs of UK students, and covers expenses not covered by the Health Fee, including most diagnostic procedures, surgery, hospitalization, and prescription medications. Find out more about the Student Health Plan.
  • The Behavioral Health Clinic at UHS helps students who need continued care for an existing psychological condition, additional support or guidance with new or unexpected psychological concerns, or have acute need for psychiatric care.

Basic Needs

The University of Kentucky has a dedicated hub to provide resources for students with needs related to all four components of student success: academic, wellness, finances, and belonging. You can learn more about the Basic Needs Hub here.

UK Student Government Services

  • The UK Student Government Association (SGA) offers a number of services free to UK students, including:
    • Wildcat Wardrobe, a free professional clothing service for all UK students.
    • Childcare/Dependent Grants, up to $1,000 to students with at least one (1) dependent or $1,500 for students with multiple dependents.

Recreation and Wellness

The University of Kentucky features multiple fitness centers, recreation spaces, intramural sports, and student wellness opportunities.

  • The Johnson Center and Alumni Gym may be used by current UK students enrolled in regular, on-campus classes. All you have to do is present your student ID card! Use of these facilities is covered through the recreation fee paid by full-time UK students.
  • Campus Recreation and Wellness also offers intramural leagues, personal training, facility reservations, and other recreational opportunities. Find out more.