- Graduates must arrive no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the ceremony.
- Graduates should be dressed in their regalia upon arrival.
- Graduates will gather in the Singletary Center Recital Hall to be seated in alphabetical order, receive final instructions, and for a walkthrough before guests arrive.
- Graduates should leave personal items such as bags with a guest or not bring them. We are not able to secure your items in the Singletary Center during the ceremony.
- The ceremony will last approximately an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half.
- We will take a class photo immediately following the ceremony.
- Visitor parking is available in the lots on Linden Walk behind the King Alumni House and the Stuckert Career Center. Visitors may also park in the lot behind Memorial Coliseum. Parking Structure #5 on S. Limestone is open for visitors at the rate of $2 per hour.
- ASL Interpreters will be with us at the ceremony for any graduates or guests who need sign language interpretation services. They will be set up on stage to the audience's right.
- The ceremony will be livestreamed. Livestream link is provided at the bottom of this page.
- For questions, or additional information, please contact:
- Carlin Conway, Assistant Dean of Student Services: carlin.conway@uky.edu, 859-257-3281
- Alyssa Young, Director of Special Events: alyssa.young@uky.edu, 859-257-7938
- The Reception for graduates and guests will be on Thursday, May 8 beginning at 5:30 p.m. on the Memorial Hall Lawn in front of the Law Building.
- In the event of inclement weather, the reception will be held on the Third Floor of the Law Building.
- Guests may park for free in the lot at Prall St. and S. Limestone across from Memorial Hall, or on the drive in front of the Seminary Building across from the Law Building. Parking behind the Seminary Building is unavailable without a permit. Visitors may also park in Parking Structure #5 on S. Limestone for a fee of $2 per hour. There is a pedestrian bridge on the Third Level of the garage and it is a short walk to the Law Building.