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Professor Josh Douglas to Moderate UKSGA State Election Forum

October 6, 2015 By: Katy Bennett, Rebecca Stratton, and Weston Loyd The University of Kentucky Student Government Association (UKSGA) is hosting a state election forum for candidates for state treasurer, secretary of state, auditor and agriculture commissioner at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 12, at the Singletary Center for the Arts.

UK Law CLE Office Hosts Inaugural Education Law Conference

The University of Kentucky College of Law’s Office of Continuing Legal Education (UK/CLE) recently hosted its inaugural Education Law Conference. The conference brought together 105 education professionals from across the state to address current issues facing the education industry.

UK Law Invests in Student Success

September 29, 2015 So, you matriculated into law school. What’s next? How do you prepare for your new reality of reading cases and making outlines? What is an outline anyway? What will classes be like? Will you get along with your classmates? These are questions that pass through the minds of all first year law students in some form or fashion. And University of Kentucky College of Law has developed a program to help our incoming students answer these questions and more, prior to their first day of law school.

UK Law Profs. Scott Bauries and Allison Connelly Interviewed by National Media Regarding Rowan County Clerk

September 29, 2015 The beginning of the school year is always a hectic time on campus, however, the month of September was especially busy for two UK Law professors. Scott Bauries, the Robert G. Lawson Associate Professor of Law, and Allison Connelly, the Director of the Legal Clinic and James and Mary Lassiter Professor of Law, were recently quoted and cited as sources in hundreds of national media outlets regarding the Rowan County (Kentucky) Clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses. 

Justice Alito Gives Behind-the-Scenes Look at Supreme Court

By: Whitney Harder September 28, 2015 The University of Kentucky College of Law has a history of bringing the legal profession's most distinguished figures to campus for students to meet with, and this year is no exception.

Key Players in 'Utah Compromise' Discussing Civil Solutions to Marriage License Debate at UK Law

By: Whitney Harder September 28, 2015 Addressing the ongoing legal dilemma of religious objections to a same sex marriage ruling, two key players in the "Utah compromise" will speak at the University of Kentucky College of Law at noon Wednesday, Sept. 30. Utah Senate Majority Whip J. Stuart Adams and Professor Robin Fretwell Wilson, director of the Family Law and Policy Program at the University of Illinois, will give a talk titled, "Kim Davis and Religious Objectors to Obergefell: In Search of More Civil Solutions."

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to Speak at UK Law

By: Whitney Harder The University of Kentucky College of Law is pleased to welcome U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to campus next week as the Fall 2015 Roy R. and Virginia F. Ray Distinguished Lecturer. Justice Alito will speak at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24.

UK Law Students Selected for Central Kentucky American Inn of Court

Upon recommendation of Dean David A. Brennen, eight third-year UK Law students were selected as Pupils of the Central Kentucky American Inn of Court (CKAIC) for 2015-2016. This year’s list of pupils include Ian Archibald, Alissa Bocook, Rachel Hepburn, Zachary Mattioni, Charles Otten, Andrea Reed, W. Austin Smith II, and Misty Stone. The Inn of Court is an educational and mentoring organization for judges, lawyers and law students dedicated to perpetuating high quality, ethical lawyers and enhancing professionalism and collegiality among the bench and bar. 

UK Law Students Volunteer with Local Charities

The students in the University of Kentucky College of Law Class of 2018 are now several days into their first semester of law school. These individuals have chosen to pursue a career dedicated to assisting individuals and businesses in a time of need. Though they are a few years away from starting their legal careers, members of the Class of 2018 are already giving back to the Lexington community through service projects they participated in during UK Law’s Orientation. On Saturday, August 22, students and faculty assisted four local charities including Aids Volunteers, Inc.

UK Law Dean to Participate in Panel on Redefining Hate Crimes

Redefining Hate Crimes: A Panel Discussion By: Blair Hoover

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